Life in Transition

Navigating Personal Finances During Life Transitions

Archive for the tag “pay-it-forward”

Pay It Forward Handmade

I got this idea from Digging Up and Out, and it sounded like fun.

The rules are pretty easy and straight foward:

  1. I will send a surprise gift to the first three commenters on this post. The gift will be handmade by me. It will be sent sometime in the next 365 days. It will be a surprise. We all love getting surprises in the mail, right?
  2. To sign up and receive a gift, you must play along, too. Pay it Forward on your blog, by promising to make a surprise for the first three people who comment on the post.
  3. You must have a blog (that is updated, as I will blog stalk you to find the right gift for you).
  4. After commenting here, you must repost this or something similar to your blog in 48 hours. If not, I will chose the next person who comments…

That’s it.  Just comment below if you want to play along and get a surprise package in the mail (I try to make something cool…if unsuccessful I might cheat and buy something handmade off Etsy).

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